Inspiration strikes (me down?)

Sometimes I get annoyed at my brain.

It runs around like a headless chicken in ever-decreasing circles. When I want it to be calm it has a little rave to itself. When I want it to get fired up it goes into snooze mode and turns into cotton wool.

Although I am usually good at coming up with ideas for what to write, my brain sometimes gets its wires crossed.

For instance, it will come up with a great idea for my other blog while I’m trying to finish one on here. Or vice versa. It will suddenly start to form a great ending to the play or short story I’m writing while I’m dropping off to sleep or out walking or having a shower.

I’ve taken to carrying a tiny notebook around in my bag so that I’m prepared.

Which if course means that not a single new writing idea has come to me for weeks!

But then the other day I was sitting in the sunshine outside the hospital, waiting for blood tests and putting off going back inside for as long as possible. Out of nowhere, I had ideas for two more books, lots of additional bits for the Word Count/Daniel series of books and a short story.

Luckily my trusty (and slightly dusty) notebook was in my bag and so I sat and scribbled away for half an hour until I could feel the cogs and gears in my head seizing up again.

It was a pleasant surprise and means that as I’m editing I can also insert some of the ideas into the book and see if I can push the word count of Word Count up a bit. And yes, I’m aware of the irony…

Officially Word Count (like Horizon, Reflex Machine and #apocalypse) is a novella. Maybe this lightning strike of inspiration will mean I can push it up into the hallowed halls of being an actual novel? At the very least it’s nice to find that the little grey cells work and I’m looking forward to expanding on the new ideas. Either way, it’s a win – any time the brain coughs up something useable is a good day in this writing household…LOL!

Now, if I can just avoid getting distracted by the other book ideas I had and not have my brain go off on a tangent. Don’t want to end up with three half-finished novellas kicking about, one is giving me enough stress…three might just push me over the edge!

If this is the last blog you’ll know why; I’m sitting in front of my laptop trying to write three books at once and my brain is seeping out of my ears.

See you next week…hopefully!

Published by Ali Gallo

I am a writer of short books and plays - originally from Scotland, I now live in Seoul, South Korea, and am easily distracted by shiny objects and the promise of chocolate.

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