Last week was my 100th post for this blog. When I started it I wasn’t sure I’d be able to come up with ideas for a month, let alone 100 posts. It was only when I had pressed the ‘publish’ button that I realised it was my 100th and then felt sad that I’d witteredContinue reading “101”

People watching.

My number one hobby is people-watching and it never fails to inspire me. During Covid one of the hardest things was not being able to just observe my fellow human beings going about their daily business of trying to look like they know what they’re doing. I can usually come away from a good people-watchingContinue reading “People watching.”

A very good place to start.

I started writing when I was young and since I’m a woman of a certain age that was many moons ago now. I remember sitting for hours in my bedroom scribbling in notebook after notebook. Young writers today will never know the anguish of writing out your story by hand and then making a mistakeContinue reading “A very good place to start.”

Distraction or inspiration?

By now I think we all know that I am one of those writers who is easily distracted and always on the lookout for reasons to not to. It’s not that I don’t like writing it’s more a case of ‘you’ll enjoy it once you get there’ with me. If there’s some washing to doContinue reading “Distraction or inspiration?”

No more excuses (?)

So that’s summer over with and an uninspiring apocalypse survived…so, what now? I know what I want to achieve over the next few months/a year but how to get started is another matter. I can get stuck in the planning phase for far too long if I’m not careful. Just let me make a fewContinue reading “No more excuses (?)”

Best. Excuse. Evah.

So, those of you who have read this blog before will know that I can be distracted from writing by butterflies flapping their wings on a different continent or the possibility that there might be a small corner of my apartment that isn’t completely free of dust. Well…the other day I had the best excuseContinue reading “Best. Excuse. Evah.”

Writing on the move.

I always find holidays to be the hardest time for me to write. We live in Seoul for most of the year and then spend every summer in Scotland visiting family and friends or hiding out from the rain which is an inevitable part of the Scottish experience. Therefore, on the one hand, I haveContinue reading “Writing on the move.”

Bye for now…

Don’t worry – it’s not forever….just for the summer. I like to give myself the summer holidays to relax, unwind, remember which family members annoy me, eat ice cream, get hayfever, sunbathe irresponsibly, sleep late, panic buy and generally recharge the creative batteries. Living as expats we always go back to Scotland for the summerContinue reading “Bye for now…”

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