Back to reality

So, after that shameless ‘I can’t be arsed and I don’t care if I distract the people around me look at the pretty’ blog it’s about time I updated you all and got back to the writing. I don’t write every day. That may make me unpopular with some writers but I also have zeroContinue reading “Back to reality”

Distracto Blog!

Warning! If you are trying to get on with some writing and have decided to read my blog for inspiration and a kick up the bum…not this week! I am easily distracted at the best of times but this week, having just got back from a 2-week holiday in Guam (and unable to form wholeContinue reading “Distracto Blog!”

Merry whatsit and a happy new doodah…

I’m taking a couple of weeks off, so you won’t hear from me again until 11th January. Consider it my present to you and you’re welcome. It’s mainly because we’re traveling to Guam for Christmas and New Year and the thought of having to take time away from the sunshine and the beach to moanContinue reading “Merry whatsit and a happy new doodah…”

Done and done…

So that’s me, today I reached 50,055 words and that means I’ve completed NaNoWriMo for this year. I’ve still got lots to write for this book though, so that’s great. The first one I wrote with this character, ‘Word Count’, came in at 49,737 words after editing so my plan is to flesh out thatContinue reading “Done and done…”

NaNoWriMo Day 23

So, all you need to do to write a book is make sure that you have zero social commitments and the bare minimum of work to do outside of writing. Sit down every day and keep writing until your brain turns to putty and you have trouble typing basic stuff like ‘also’ or ‘you’… Doesn’tContinue reading “NaNoWriMo Day 23”

NaNoWriMo days 1 & 2

Day One…zero words written. Day Two…zero words written. I’m such a huge inspiration, aren’t I!? So, quite late on in the preparation process – ie 2 days ago – I finally decided what my NaNoWriMo project would be this year. I decided to write a follow-up to a novel I wrote a couple of yearsContinue reading “NaNoWriMo days 1 & 2”

The devil’s in the prep.

So…we’re coming up on November. The big writing month. I’ve announced that I’m doing this and there’s no going back. Well, I mean there’s always some going back. I could change my mind and not tell you guys, just blog on as usual about writing and how tough it is and ain’t life hard asContinue reading “The devil’s in the prep.”

Something different.

I’ve decided to shake things up and do something a bit different with this blog. Instead of me wittering on about how difficult it is to stop doing mundane stuff and get on with my writing I’m going to – shock horror – do some writing and tell you about it. Next month is NovemberContinue reading “Something different.”

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