Inspiration strikes (me down?)

Sometimes I get annoyed at my brain. It runs around like a headless chicken in ever-decreasing circles. When I want it to be calm it has a little rave to itself. When I want it to get fired up it goes into snooze mode and turns into cotton wool. Although I am usually good atContinue reading “Inspiration strikes (me down?)”

Stranger than fiction.

I want to share with you something that happened recently while we were on holiday in Busan. Sometimes as writers, we will be accused of being too strange or unrealistic in our writing. People will say that the things we create could never happen in real life and that we should be more believable. IContinue reading “Stranger than fiction.”

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

My son loved Bob The Builder when he was young and we would watch it regularly. In other words, all the fricking time. This was one of Bob’s catchphrases and it came back to me the other day when I was looking through some old notebooks. If you’re anything like me you have lots ofContinue reading “Reduce, reuse, recycle.”

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