I got better.

To quote Monty Python and The Holy Grail…I did indeed get better. I will always have the distraction of pain and brain fog but it comes and goes and for now, it has gone. Just as well because I’ve got to write a play every day and that is so far out of my comfortContinue reading “I got better.”

Done did that.

The Literal Challenge 28 Plays Later is over for another year. Every year it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. For someone who doesn’t write every day the resentment I feel at being ‘made’ to write every day is real and has the fury of a toddler who is told they can’t stick their finger in theContinue reading “Done did that.”

So near and yet…

The February writing challenge is nearing the end, sort of. It’s amazing how deadlines always feel the same way… When I’m starting out on a new book or play it feels like there’s a long way to go but the journey is going to be interesting and I can’t wait to actually get going. ThenContinue reading “So near and yet…”

End in sight!

I am so close…soooo close I tell you! At this point in November, I am always torn between feelings of “thank goodness it’s nearly over” and “I don’t want to stop”. But mainly the first. I have said it before and I’ll say it again – I don’t write every day. Some days I don’tContinue reading “End in sight!”

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