Catch up!

This morning I have repotted some plants, cleaned and hoovered the apartment, and caught up on my emails. I am also 3 days behind in my writing challenge. And I’m writing this… So, yes, Distracto Mode is very much engaged. Sigh. Since I last blogged I’ve written two plays about singing or inspired by aContinue reading “Catch up!”

Distracto Blog!

Warning! If you are trying to get on with some writing and have decided to read my blog for inspiration and a kick up the bum…not this week! I am easily distracted at the best of times but this week, having just got back from a 2-week holiday in Guam (and unable to form wholeContinue reading “Distracto Blog!”

Processing times may vary…

My son is going to be 16 tomorrow. Now, anyone who has read this blog for any amount of time will know that I am nothing if not easily distracted but this feels like a legitimate reason for once. 16…?! When the scallop did that happen? How am I a 52-year-old woman with dodgy jointsContinue reading “Processing times may vary…”

Nice weather for ducks and writers.

I do like a rainy day. On the whole, I find sunshine too distracting for writing. I am from Scotland so it’s in our DNA to run outside and enjoy any and all sunshine that comes our way because we know not when it shall pass this way again. Therefore if I am sitting insideContinue reading “Nice weather for ducks and writers.”

Distracto Girl signs off for a bit.

I find it tricky to sit down and write at the best of times – hence the reason this blog is called what it is. I am so easily distracted it’s untrue. My house is never so clean as when I have writing to do. I enjoy it when I get there but it’s theContinue reading “Distracto Girl signs off for a bit.”

Moving writing.

No, in this case, I’m not referring to writing a moving piece of work that can bring people to tears or stir their emotions…I’m referring to the act of trying to move and write at the same time. Specifically, I’m referring to my moving from Malaysia to South Korea this summer with a short breakContinue reading “Moving writing.”

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