Next chapter.

After all that writing every day I have taken a long break and allowed the brain to settle and reboot. Well, as much as it ever reboots! I’ve said many, many times that I don’t like to write every day and so this calm after the writing challenge storm is always the best feeling ofContinue reading “Next chapter.”

I got better.

To quote Monty Python and The Holy Grail…I did indeed get better. I will always have the distraction of pain and brain fog but it comes and goes and for now, it has gone. Just as well because I’ve got to write a play every day and that is so far out of my comfortContinue reading “I got better.”

Finding the joy.

I have always been of the opinion that writing should be something you enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, I know that it can’t be a 24/7, 100% full-on joy-fest and nor should it be. We all know that some of the most interesting and memorable pieces of creative work are made through struggle, sacrifice orContinue reading “Finding the joy.”

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