Leaping away from writing!

It’s leap day and that means it’s the last day of February and that means the writing challenge is over! I still have two plays to write today but I know what I want to write about – I just need to sit my arse down and get them written. Instead, I am writing thisContinue reading “Leaping away from writing!”

Load of old…

Since I last blogged I have been keeping up to date with my writing challenge and I must say it is going very badly. I am writing every day but 98.5% of what I’ve written has been total shit. Excuse my language but there’s really no other way to put it – it has beenContinue reading “Load of old…”

Another reason to be reluctant.

This blog is called The Reluctant Writer because that best describes my approach to this creative life. I will find any and every excuse to avoid sitting down at the keyboard – even though I enjoy it when I get there. Mostly my procrastination takes the form of cleaning or washing or ironing or shoppingContinue reading “Another reason to be reluctant.”

Now hear this: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Every time we put out a call for submissions we learn a little more about how to go about the process. For instance, I quickly learned to specify ‘3 submissions max’ after someone sent me a dozen of their plays in one email! I also now mention at least twice that it is for audioContinue reading “Now hear this: the good, the bad, and the ugly.”

Now hear this: Overthinking.

As writers, we can easily get bogged down in the details. We’re so close to our work and it is so much a part of us that we can start to pick it apart and analyse it too much if we’re not careful. Who hasn’t sat and looked at a single sentence or paragraph forContinue reading “Now hear this: Overthinking.”

Now hear this!

So, as some of you might know I run a podcast theatre company. Every 2 weeks we release a new play, monologue, or poem and have been doing so for over a year now. I am well-known for being absolutely crap with technology so it was a pleasant surprise to me how easy it wasContinue reading “Now hear this!”

Small change – big difference

So, as you may or may not know I run a podcast theatre company. It started because I had a drawer full of completed plays that I thought were pretty good and it made me feel guilty that they weren’t seeing the light of day. I’d had a few performed at scratch nights but wantedContinue reading “Small change – big difference”

Are you sitting comfortably?

…then I’ll begin. I have to say that I’m enjoying writing for radio. At least that’s how I think of it, rather than writing for podcast. I suppose it’s to do with my age. I grew up with an actual radio and not the download cloudy stuff you young people have nowadays…and yes, I stillContinue reading “Are you sitting comfortably?”

How it’s going.

A little while ago we started a podcast. When I say ‘we’ that’s because without my Hubby there to do all the technical wizardry it wouldn’t be some much a podcast as a load of people recording stuff that then sits on my computer gathering dust. There’s more to making a podcast than I firstContinue reading “How it’s going.”

Shouting In The Evening

https://www.buzzsprout.com/1854669/9204423-distance-learning.mp3?download=true ….and there you have it – play number one is up and running. It’s been a long time coming and a lot of cats were herded in the making of this podcast theatre company, but it’s worth it. I get to write funny stuff and have my ever-so-talented friends read it. My husband getsContinue reading “Shouting In The Evening”

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