Writing on the move.

I always find holidays to be the hardest time for me to write. We live in Seoul for most of the year and then spend every summer in Scotland visiting family and friends or hiding out from the rain which is an inevitable part of the Scottish experience. Therefore, on the one hand, I haveContinue reading “Writing on the move.”

Nice weather for ducks and writers.

I do like a rainy day. On the whole, I find sunshine too distracting for writing. I am from Scotland so it’s in our DNA to run outside and enjoy any and all sunshine that comes our way because we know not when it shall pass this way again. Therefore if I am sitting insideContinue reading “Nice weather for ducks and writers.”

Where is here and who am I anyway…?

Well, for the next few years my ‘here’ is mainly Seoul in South Korea. As for who I am…well, I always try to make these blogs about writing and not about me but I thought I should fill you in just a bit so you understand what on earth is going on in my cornerContinue reading “Where is here and who am I anyway…?”

Moving writing.

No, in this case, I’m not referring to writing a moving piece of work that can bring people to tears or stir their emotions…I’m referring to the act of trying to move and write at the same time. Specifically, I’m referring to my moving from Malaysia to South Korea this summer with a short breakContinue reading “Moving writing.”

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