To do/Ta da

I love a to-do list. For a start, my brain works best when it is uncluttered and has some kind of order. If I feel like I’ve got most of the plates spinning and never really wanted the ones that are crashing to the floor anyway, that’s a good day. Half of my distraction fromContinue reading “To do/Ta da”

No more excuses (?)

So that’s summer over with and an uninspiring apocalypse survived…so, what now? I know what I want to achieve over the next few months/a year but how to get started is another matter. I can get stuck in the planning phase for far too long if I’m not careful. Just let me make a fewContinue reading “No more excuses (?)”

Gotta love a list.

I don’t know a writer who doesn’t love a list. They help to organise all that messy creative stuff in your head, they bring order to chaos…also they make it look like you’re getting work done while simultaneously putting off actually having to do any work. I love a list. And January is a greatContinue reading “Gotta love a list.”

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