Load of old…

Since I last blogged I have been keeping up to date with my writing challenge and I must say it is going very badly. I am writing every day but 98.5% of what I’ve written has been total shit. Excuse my language but there’s really no other way to put it – it has beenContinue reading “Load of old…”

Nice weather for ducks and writers.

I do like a rainy day. On the whole, I find sunshine too distracting for writing. I am from Scotland so it’s in our DNA to run outside and enjoy any and all sunshine that comes our way because we know not when it shall pass this way again. Therefore if I am sitting insideContinue reading “Nice weather for ducks and writers.”

It’s beginning to look a lot like…

I don’t know where you are at the moment but for me here in Malaysia, it’s another sunny day. For the last few (almost 10!) years we’ve lived in Africa and this means that Christmas is usually spent in the sunshine. We’re originally from Scotland so it came as a shock at first to beContinue reading “It’s beginning to look a lot like…”

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