Regarding resolutions

At this moment I am listening to the song ‘Ebeneezer Goode’, boiling half a dozen eggs, making myself a hot chocolate, and typing this blog. So perhaps resolution number one should be to stop straddling that fine line between multitasking and chaos before I set fire to the kitchen…? I’m not a big one forContinue reading “Regarding resolutions”

Processing times may vary…

My son is going to be 16 tomorrow. Now, anyone who has read this blog for any amount of time will know that I am nothing if not easily distracted but this feels like a legitimate reason for once. 16…?! When the scallop did that happen? How am I a 52-year-old woman with dodgy jointsContinue reading “Processing times may vary…”

A Merry Thingy and A Happy New Whatsit

As we head into this festive season of…well, whatever and however you celebrate…I just want to wish you all Happy Writing. Literally. I wish for you some writing that makes you truly happy. I hope that you find time in all the hustle and bustle of family or work or overeating or present buying orContinue reading “A Merry Thingy and A Happy New Whatsit”

That’s better.

November and the epic disaster that was NaNoWriMo 2022 are now behind me and things are looking up. Rather than forcing myself to write something I wasn’t happy with I ducked out of the challenge and took some time off. I have been doing a bit of sketching and a new paint by numbers. There’sContinue reading “That’s better.”

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

My son loved Bob The Builder when he was young and we would watch it regularly. In other words, all the fricking time. This was one of Bob’s catchphrases and it came back to me the other day when I was looking through some old notebooks. If you’re anything like me you have lots ofContinue reading “Reduce, reuse, recycle.”

To Swear or Not to Swear.

Anyone who knows me in real life knows I love to swear and yet I don’t often do so in my writing. For some reason, the worst swear words will trip out of my mouth easily enough but when it comes to putting them into the mouths of my characters I am shy. That’s reallyContinue reading “To Swear or Not to Swear.”

The Toddler Muse.

You know how they say that all creatives have a muse…well, in the past I always imagined them to be sort of ethereal and floaty with white robes and maybe even the odd harp. A cherub after the Atkins Diet, if you will. I saw muses as kind and worldly-wise beings who would gently guideContinue reading “The Toddler Muse.”

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