Indie Author Week

So, according to a Facebook group I’m part of, it is Indie Author Week from June 8th – 15th in the UK. I’d love to be able to tell you all about it – what, where, when and why. The lowdown, the skinny, the essential info. Unfortunately, this was the first I’d heard of itContinue reading “Indie Author Week”

To Cut a Short Story Long…

I lost my mind…indeed! (and there’s your bastardized earworm for the day) My aim in editing Word Count is not only to check again for any glaring errors and give it a brush-up, I want to add enough words to it that it becomes a novel rather than a novella. Now, this is mainly fuelledContinue reading “To Cut a Short Story Long…”

Inspiration strikes (me down?)

Sometimes I get annoyed at my brain. It runs around like a headless chicken in ever-decreasing circles. When I want it to be calm it has a little rave to itself. When I want it to get fired up it goes into snooze mode and turns into cotton wool. Although I am usually good atContinue reading “Inspiration strikes (me down?)”

The Power of Positive Thinking.

I am inclined to focus on the negative side of things. It annoys me when I do it and annoys me even more when I’m right. But I’m not always right. I hear about people who are successful writers and think “that will never happen to me”…and I might be right. It’s 100% certain thatContinue reading “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

Input as well as output

I’ve been reading real books lately and it feels good! I usually read stuff on my Kindle, so much so that when I pick up a real 3D book for the first time in ages I find myself trying to swipe the pages instead of turning them…sigh! When we lived in Scotland I had bookcasesContinue reading “Input as well as output”

Distracto Girl Rides Again.

A day in the life of a writer who is easily distracted… Get up. Avoid doing stretches. Realise that doing stretches will postpone writing. Do stretches. Check that the to-do list on the fridge still says ‘writing/editing’ Look around for something that needs cleaning. Decide that cleaning that strange ridge at the back of theContinue reading “Distracto Girl Rides Again.”

Once you pop…

…you just can’t stop. And once you start editing, it’s a slippery slope. I have been doing mostly other creative stuff to reward myself for the small amount of editing I eventually get around to…but once I do get going it’s hard to not become obsessed. I can find something to edit in every paragraph…almostContinue reading “Once you pop…”

Creeping up on your brain…

Distraction is my superpower but just lately it has reared its ugly head more than usual. And it brought with it Imposter Syndrome Boy and that old favourite of all the villains Lazyitus. Sigh. I’m pleased to say that they have dissipated slightly and although the urge to sit around feeling sorry for myself andContinue reading “Creeping up on your brain…”

For the love of stationery.

(and yes, I did have to do the internet search of “stationery or stationary” just to make sure I got it right) I love stationery. I don’t think it’s just a writer thing – although I don’t know a writer who isn’t a little bit obsessed with the stuff. I was one of those kidsContinue reading “For the love of stationery.”

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