Who do you think you are?

So, I am a writer. A Writer. Or just a writer…? Mr Stephen King says I am allowed to call myself a writer so that must be the correct term for it. In fact, he says that anyone who writes can and should call themselves a writer. It all depends on how you present it,Continue reading “Who do you think you are?”

Next chapter.

After all that writing every day I have taken a long break and allowed the brain to settle and reboot. Well, as much as it ever reboots! I’ve said many, many times that I don’t like to write every day and so this calm after the writing challenge storm is always the best feeling ofContinue reading “Next chapter.”

The devil’s in the prep.

So…we’re coming up on November. The big writing month. I’ve announced that I’m doing this and there’s no going back. Well, I mean there’s always some going back. I could change my mind and not tell you guys, just blog on as usual about writing and how tough it is and ain’t life hard asContinue reading “The devil’s in the prep.”

Bye for now…

Don’t worry – it’s not forever….just for the summer. I like to give myself the summer holidays to relax, unwind, remember which family members annoy me, eat ice cream, get hayfever, sunbathe irresponsibly, sleep late, panic buy and generally recharge the creative batteries. Living as expats we always go back to Scotland for the summerContinue reading “Bye for now…”

What was I thinking?

So I am currently in the process of editing my next book. I’m sure you have a mental picture of me sitting and typing at a laptop or leaning over reams of paper with a red pen in my hand. Well, it doesn’t quite look like that. In fact, it looks nothing like that. IfContinue reading “What was I thinking?”

Nice weather for ducks and writers.

I do like a rainy day. On the whole, I find sunshine too distracting for writing. I am from Scotland so it’s in our DNA to run outside and enjoy any and all sunshine that comes our way because we know not when it shall pass this way again. Therefore if I am sitting insideContinue reading “Nice weather for ducks and writers.”

Distracto Girl signs off for a bit.

I find it tricky to sit down and write at the best of times – hence the reason this blog is called what it is. I am so easily distracted it’s untrue. My house is never so clean as when I have writing to do. I enjoy it when I get there but it’s theContinue reading “Distracto Girl signs off for a bit.”

Better than the real thing?

Am I the only person who gets nervous when they make a movie or TV series out of a book I love…? Somehow I doubt it. We all know that feeling. You hear that someone is making a movie of the book you loved. That book you read in one sitting or on a greatContinue reading “Better than the real thing?”

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