Next chapter.

After all that writing every day I have taken a long break and allowed the brain to settle and reboot.

Well, as much as it ever reboots!

I’ve said many, many times that I don’t like to write every day and so this calm after the writing challenge storm is always the best feeling of all.

But now I can feel things tugging at me. Daniel’s voice is rattling around my head and notebooks full of plays are calling to me. I think it’s time to stop enjoying all this time off and get back on with it.

So…my plan is to read through what I’ve already written for the second Word Count book. I need to remind myself where I had got to and what threads I was trying to weave together. If I just jump back in it’s liable to look like someone threw up spaghetti and then tried to knit with it instead of a perfectly woven story.

I am also probably going to get started on another project too. I have been meaning to collect together all the plays I’ve written over these writing challenges (which comes to over 200…shock, horror!) and put them into groups according to how many actors each one needs and then publish them.

And I’ve got almost 10 years’ worth of blogging about life as an expat and how difficult it is to adult abroad and how annoying life can be even when the sun is always shining. That could definitely be made into a book or two.

I was Zooming with a friend and admitting that I hadn’t written much lately (this was before the February writing challenge, obviously) and she pointed out to me that I have all these plays and sketches and blogs just waiting around that I could inflict on the world.

So, Word Count and Daniel along with sketches, plays, and blog posts.

Sounds like enough to keep me busy, doesn’t it!

And if you read on I shall take you with me through the process of writing and publishing. I just hope you don’t mind the odd swear word because I predict it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Published by Ali Gallo

I am a writer of short books and plays - originally from Scotland, I now live in Seoul, South Korea, and am easily distracted by shiny objects and the promise of chocolate.

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