Catch up!

This morning I have repotted some plants, cleaned and hoovered the apartment, and caught up on my emails.

I am also 3 days behind in my writing challenge.

And I’m writing this…

So, yes, Distracto Mode is very much engaged.


Since I last blogged I’ve written two plays about singing or inspired by a song. The first one is the conversation between Dolly and Jolene in which Dolly begs Jolene to (you guessed it) not take her man away from her. The second is about two people waiting nervously for their turn to audition for a production of Les Mis, but only one of them knew they’d need to sing.

I’ve also written a play about a Scout troop going to camp with no food.

Riveting stuff, right?

The last three days our prompt has been to write a trilogy and in my wisdom, I thought I would take day one and two to come up with the idea and then write it on day three.

And now it’s day three and the plants are all happy in their new pots and the dust bunnies have been chased from their hiding places and the trilogy is…still in my head!

I know what I want to write – it’s going to be three monologues of the same event but from different people/perspectives.

Now I just need to stop finding other things to do and get on with it.

After I wash up my cereal bowl from lunch…

…and make a graphic on Canva for this blog…

…and check if the washing is finished…

…I’m so screwed!

Published by Ali Gallo

I am a writer of short books and plays - originally from Scotland, I now live in Seoul, South Korea, and am easily distracted by shiny objects and the promise of chocolate.

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