Screaming into the fog.

Now that’s a dramatic title, isn’t it!

‘What on earth is going on now?’…I hear you ask.

(or not – I don’t care – I’m going to tell you, either way, that’s the joy of blogging)

It might be a dramatic sentence but it sums up the last few days.

I’ve got Fibromyalgia and among other things it makes my brain go a bit foggy now and then. It usually kicks in when my pain is at its worst and my hands refuse to do complicated maneuvers like pick something up and put it down without spilling it everywhere.

Fun times…

The brain fog means I forget what I was doing and why I was doing it and where I put things and what day it is and what I was doing and why I was…you get the point.

This is not helpful when trying to write – or do any kind of adulting really.

And February is my ‘write a new play every day’ writing challenge so the timing is impeccable and I was planning to read through what I wrote in NaNoWriMo in preparation for continuing that project.

I know that if I rest and don’t get stressed out then in a couple of days my symptoms will improve and the fog will lift. But having the fog makes me stressed and then I don’t sleep so that’s that vicious circle well and truly in place.

Although I call myself a reluctant writer, at the moment I am more ‘hampered’ or ‘impeded’ than reluctant. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

But I’m not writing this to get your sympathy or have a good moan (although who doesn’t love a good moan!?) instead I’m writing this to say that if any of you are ever going through something similar – be kind to yourselves.

I know I’ve written blogs before about the importance of cutting yourself some slack and I’ve admitted I can’t write at all if I’m angry or depressed. There’s a feeling that you should soldier on through and just get on with it. It’s only writing, for goodness sake, you’re not climbing Everest. But as much as I’d like to do that I know that’s probably the worst thing I could do. And writing may not be aerobic but it’s certainly demanding.

This short blog has taken me far longer than usual and after much back and forth I don’t even like the Canva image I’ve created for it…LOL!

Sorry Mr Brain Fog but that’s just how it is.

But I’ve got it done and I’ve used it as a way to tell you all that sometimes the physical and mental stars are just not aligned and the writing will be tough or even impossible.

And that’s 100% okay.

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of the good, bad, and ugly little February challenge plays I’ve written when next we meet but until then I’m off for a stiff drink and a few more screams of frustration.

See you on the other side…

Published by Ali Gallo

I am a writer of short books and plays - originally from Scotland, I now live in Seoul, South Korea, and am easily distracted by shiny objects and the promise of chocolate.

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