Writing space.

As writers, we all know how important it is to have your own space.

Doesn’t matter whether it’s a corner of the dining room, a picnic table in the garage, or a desk in a spare room, what matters is you have somewhere to go and write.

Because half the battle is removing yourself from daily distractions and getting the f#ck on with it…am I right?

I’ve blogged about this before but I’ve been very lucky that since I’ve been writing we’ve been living in countries where we get allocated houses with a spare room. Sometimes two!

The bliss of being able to shut the door on the world…and then slam it behind you when you huff out again because you can’t think of a single thing to write about…well, it’s worth its weight in gold.

I can’t write in cafes. I don’t drink coffee and find all the background noise a distraction rather than a help to focus. Plus there’s cake. Also, I worry that if I write in a coffee shop I’m just going to look pretentious and people will roll their eyes when they see me. I know writers who swear by it and am jealous of them but it’s not for me.

I am a stay-at-home writer and happy with that.

Even here in Seoul where our whole apartment would fit into some of the living rooms we’ve had in the past, I have my corner. Or rather, my rectangle.

Korean houses seem to like a long, enclosed balcony which they use mainly for hanging out the washing.

I have commandeered one end as my desk space. I have a small desk, a big chair, some plants, and lots of things around to distract me. I also do my bad painting and crafting here so there are shelves full of paper and pens and random boxes or tins all of which are connected to a piece of art I intend to get around to making once I’m done with my writing for the day…honest!

It is a sunny space in the summer…sometimes too hot and sunny…so I have two fans pointing my way at the moment. Then in winter, it is freezing cold and I have 2 jumpers, thick socks, and a knee blanket. And then there’s about 3-4 weeks each year when it’s perfect…

But it’s mine and I love it.

I even have a chair at the opposite end so I can commute all of 5 feet and have my lunch in a different place.

And behind the wall hanging? The laundry.

But after the biting cold of last winter, I’m planning ahead. There’s a wonderful library just a few minutes walk from our apartment. I went and got my library card the other day – which was not an easy task but greatly helped by a passing student with really good English – and now I can go there and book a quiet room in which to sit and use my laptop. It will be heated and there won’t be any background music or delicious cakes to distract me.

I’ll report back once I’ve given it a go. Fingers crossed I can get my winter writing done without having to wear 2 pairs of fingerless gloves…!

Published by Ali Gallo

I am a writer of short books and plays - originally from Scotland, I now live in Seoul, South Korea, and am easily distracted by shiny objects and the promise of chocolate.

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