Nice weather for ducks and writers.

I do like a rainy day.

On the whole, I find sunshine too distracting for writing.

I am from Scotland so it’s in our DNA to run outside and enjoy any and all sunshine that comes our way because we know not when it shall pass this way again. Therefore if I am sitting inside and writing and the sun is shining I constantly feel guilty and rush whatever it is I’m doing so I can go outside.

Having said that, the sunshine did help when I was writing my first book – ‘Horizon’ – because it fitted with what I was writing about. In ‘Horizon’ there is a woman stuck out in the middle of the ocean all on her own and it’s very hot and sunny. I would wander out onto our balcony (this was while we lived in South Africa) and stand with the sun beating down on my head and just soak in the atmosphere…and the Vitamin D.

Apart from that though, I have always worked better when the outside world isn’t calling me to get out and enjoy myself. Not that I don’t like rain – I do. Again, having lived for so long in Scotland I am happy to walk in the rain and have the required clothing and accessories to make it bearable, but I’d rather not if I don’t have to, thanks all the same.

It is raining outside as I write this and there’s something about the sound of the rain that acts like a white noise machine and helps me to focus on the words and worlds I’m creating. It also lends the light a certain tint and quality that is just right – not enough to make me sleepy but just enough to make me feel cozy, safe and contented.

Writing when it’s cold and snowing can be annoying if your fingers or toes are going numb. When it’s windy I find that more distracting as I worry about what’s being blown around outside and if any of it is heading my way at speed.

But give me an overcast day, some looming grey clouds overhead and the pitter-patter of rain on the window next to me and I’ll write for hours and hours…or at least until all that watery noise makes me need the toilet anyway.

Published by Ali Gallo

I am a writer of short books and plays - originally from Scotland, I now live in Seoul, South Korea, and am easily distracted by shiny objects and the promise of chocolate.

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